Mudita Center allows users to create password-protected backup files that they can use to restore their data if they factory-reset their phone or switch to another Pure.
How Can I Create a Backup File?
Connect your Mudita Pure to your computer with a USB-C cable and make sure that Mudita Center runs on your computer and recognizes your device.
In the "Overview" section, you can click "Create Backup" in the bottom right corner to create a new backup file in the set backup folder (more on how to find it and change it below)
Click "Create Backup" again in the popup window, then set the password that will protect your backup file.
A backup can't be created without a password. The password should contain 8 or more characters, including at least one capital letter, one special character, and one number.
How Can I Restore My Backup?
Connect your Mudita Pure to your computer with a USB-C cable and make sure that Mudita Center runs on your computer and recognizes your device.
In the "Overview" section, you can click "Restore Last Backup" at the bottom of the window next to the date of the last backup file.
A popup window will appear with a list of all available backup files.
Choose the backup file the you'd like to load, then click "Restore".
Enter the backup file's password, then click "Confirm".
Wait for the restore backup process to complete. This can take a few minutes.
Where Can I Find My Backup Files?
Open Mudita Center and go to the “Settings” section from the menu on the left side of the window.
When browsing settings, click on the "Backup" tab in upper part of the window.
The backup location will now be shown. You can follow the displayed path to find the backup folder on your PC.
How Can I Change the Backup Location?
Open Mudita Center and go to the “Settings” section from the menu on the left side of the window.
When browsing settings, click on the "Backup" tab in upper part of the window.
The backup location will now be shown. You can click "Change Location" on the right side of the window to set a new backup folder.
Choose a new backup folder on your computer and select it.