In case of issues with your shipment, please feel free to reach out to our Customer Support for help. You can also find more information about various situations below.
If you suspect that the delivery company has lost your shipment, please also report that to them as soon as possible, aside from contacting our Support team. We will also report the same issue on our side. If the shipping service is unable to locate and deliver the package, we will have them reimburse us for it and create a new shipment for you.
Customs Holdups
There are sometimes situations when a package is stopped by customs for further examination. These situations usually last no more than a few days. If your shipment is stuck with customs longer than usual, please contact our Customer Support and we will help expedite the matter.
Operational Delays
If your shipping tracker shows a status like "Operational delay", that points to a situation related to the shipping company itself. It could be any random occurence that would cause a delay on their side. If your shipment is affected by an operational delay, we don't have access to information about what has caused it. These situations rarely take more than a few days. If the delay is taking longer than that, it's a good idea to contact the shipping service's support to inquire about it. You can also reach out to us and we can take additional steps on our side.