What is the Difference Between a Harmony and Harmony 2?
Modified on: Fri, 12 Apr, 2024 at 5:08 PM
The Mudita Harmony and Harmony 2 alarm clocks are very much alike, but not exactly the same.
Subtle Improvements
Compared to the first Harmony, the Harmony 2 features small changes in the clock's basic hardware components aimed at improving overall stability.
Same Functionality
Both generations of the Mudita Harmony alarm clock offer the same features due to them running on the same operating system. Both of them receive the same updates, so the functionality of both clocks also the same
Battery Life
The Harmony and Harmony 2 have the same 2600mAh battery capacity. To get the most ouf of the battery in your Harmony or Harmony 2, we recommend keeping your clock's system updated. With the latest software installed, both clocks should have similar battery life.