How Do You Ensure the Lowest Possible Electromagnetic Radiation?
Modified on: Wed, 11 Sep, 2024 at 3:56 PM
While designing Mudita Pure we considered people dealing with electrohypersensitivity (EHS), so we have two antennas in one area of our phone, which switch depending on the range.
Active Antenna
If the phone loses a 4G connection, instead of boosting power through the modem, we change the frequency. If the frequency matching is better on the other antenna, the phone automatically switches the antenna.
Working to Reduce EMF Exposure
At the EMF Conference 2019, our phone was presented to international experts in the field of EMF, such as Dr. Devra Davis, Prof. Olle Johansson, Dr. Lisa Nagy, other doctors and medical practitioners, building biologists, radiation research companies, academics and people with EHS. We have their support and we intend to continue raising awareness and taking action with regards to EMF exposure.